TTMT 073 Zoboomafoo Traditional Cache
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CONTAINER TYPE: Film Can with Magnets
*** This hide requires this container, do not swap out this container, and hide back exactly as found ***
Welcome to the Team Trunk Monkey Turnpike - "TTMT"
This series of caches runs along this stretch of 4-lane road, which features a wide paved shoulder along it's entire course. These caches will all be on the South / East side of the road. There will be caches of several different sizes and types, and the hiding spots will vary in difficulty and terrain, as the locations allow. As such, several of these caches will have you walking through tall grass & looking through vegetation. During the "tick season" it is highly recommended to use a quality insect repellent, and as always if it is sunny out, use a good sunblock too.

Zoboomafoo is an American children's television series that aired from January 25, 1999, to April 28, 2001, and is still shown today in syndication depending on the area, and it is regularly shown on PBS Kids Sprout. A total of 65 episodes were aired. A creation of the Kratt Brothers (Chris and Martin Kratt), it features a talking Coquerel's Sifaka, a type of lemur named Zoboomafoo, or Zoboo for short, and a collection of repeat animal guests. Every episode begins with the Kratt brothers in "Animal Junction", a peculiar place in which the rules of nature change and wild animals come to visit and play. On January 19, 2004, the show was pulled from its weekday airing.
Additional Hints
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