This quest is a tour of the most magnificent Gardens we've ever seen within the the city of Orlando. At the end of your journey, you'll be guided to a special container filled with cool trinkets and whatnot (please trade even or trade up or not at all, lets keep this a quality cache well worth the effort required).
The Overall Difficulty Rating is based on the requirement of special equipment (explained further below) only. It is a guided tour what could possibly be difficult about that.
Special Thanks to Tracy Micciche, Events & Marketing and Park Director Robert Bowden of Harry P. Leu Gardens for granting permission for this cache placement. The Gardens welcomes Geocaching. However, for safety reasons Permission is required.
How it works:
This is a Wherigo cache, requiring a Garmin Colorado, Garmin Oregon or other comparable equipment (Iphone, Ipad, Android, Pocket PC or other such so called GPS enabled smart device). The Related Webpage link near the top of the page, you'll get a down-loadable "cartridge", which you'll install into your device. For Smart Phones and such devices you will need to install and run the free "Wherigo App" in order to upload and run the Wherigo cartridges. This cartridge is a series of zones. As your GPS enabled device senses that you've entered each zone, it'll display information, telling you where to go next, not unlike a virtual multi cache. But this is done in style. As you take your tour, a story will unfold. A Fairytale, perhaps is the best description.
There are some things you'll need to be aware of. First, it cost to enter the Gardens at the time of this writing $7.00 per adult, Children (grades K-12) $2.00 (unless you can go on the first Monday of the Month when it's free). For more info; See Henry P Leu Garden's
You will need access to to download the Cartridge. If you don't have a Garmin with Wherigo and or prefer to use a smart device (phone/pad) You will need the Wherigo App. Here is some helpful info for getting started. Geocaching with Wherigo Getting started
The Cartridge was design to take you from your home/base location to Harry P. Leu Gardens, to the parking lot where it starts and you get your first zone and then onward. It is advised to turn on and start the cartridge before entering the Entrance to the Gardens. However, if you are already in the gardens you can start by going back out to the parking lot, notify the front desk of your intentions (they are aware of the geocache) so they know you are just going back out to start the game. You will have to go to a certain spot in the parking lot to trigger the starting zone.
The cartridge is on and can be downloaded at this link: Princess Nahn-Sea's Heart or from the related webpages link at the top of the cache page. You must sign on to account (it is free to join). For smart phones you will need the "Wherigo App" to run the cartridge and to log on you will also need an account there (also free to join). Note: The Groundspeak Geocaching App for smart phones will not download a cartridge even though it seems to have the ability - it doesn't work and is not scheduled to be fixed. On a smart phone You must run Wherigo Cartridges from the Wherigo App (available from the App Store for free). Safari Will not download a cartridge either do to the special file type.
This is a completely wheelchair accessible cache.

The tour takes about 2 hours if you aren't side tracked (there is a lot to take in and you can pause and take a tour of the amazing Leu House if you desire).
You will be touring among a 50-acre botanical oasis which is approx 2 miles long. We've done it a bazillion times during set up and testing, it doesn't seem that long but track logs never lie.
The concept of this cache was a dedication to two really cool local cachers, Kindbus, Nancy & Stuart, who have certainly been on a journey much like our storyline. So the story is loosely based on them. Thus, you might recognize our Princess, Nahn-Sea and our Hero Prince Stew-wart. There is NO FTF or lets just say it has already been taken. The honor of FTF obviously goes to the Hero of the story and we're fairly certain most would agree. This was accomplished during the final BATA test (or rather what was thought to be the final test, we found a minor problem which resulted in a rewrite before being released).
Special Thanks and recognition to those who were involved with the development and writing of the Story, Wherigo Cartridge and BATA Testing - The Jailbirds (story concept), Clan Riffster (Storyline & Cartridge writer), Flatouts (concept, working with Leu Gardens staff, cartridge co-writer), Kindbus (BATA Testors & our Heroes), DRDM & Raider (BATA Tester all the way from South Africa) and Tracy Micciche, of Harry P Leu Gardens (working with us, granting permission and setting up the final location exclusively for this cache). Thank you all for putting up with the numerous tests and rewrites.
So, what are you waiting for... If you want to know more you're going to have to load the cartridge and play...
It's all about the Journey!
Cache On!