Bull Creek #5 Cabin cache Traditional Cache
Bull Creek #5 Cabin cache
Size:  (small)
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The cache is accessible by ATV/UTV, 4wd vehicles, dirt bikes, mtn bikes, and horses. Begin at FR 254 on hwy 65 near Jumbo Reservoir, then FR 254 1B. Not suitable for minivans and SUV's. It is rocky and muddy a large portion of the way. The cache is hidden near the cabin at Bull Creek #5 Reservoir. It is approximately 5.9 miles to the cabin and if you continue on to Kitson Reservoir it is approximately another 8.0 miles. Have fun and go prepared.
small rectangular snap-tight container painted OD green. Congratulations to Sioux Moon and Booboospal on their FTF. Thanks Sioux Moon for pointing out an alternate route to the cache. It brings to mind that for other horse folks that you could probably also access FR254 from the Griffiths Lakes as well.
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