The great detective examined the crime scene, a bright red fish caught his eye: “ignore that he said to his able assistant – it’s just a red herring”……
…….The victim was lying motionless on the floor of the waiting room at Rhyl railway station on the coast of North Wales. The detective scrutinised the dead mans belongings and discovered that he appeared to be a sales rep for Robertsons the jam maker from Ledbury and had been up in north wales on business. One thing puzzled him; the man did not appear to have been shot or stabbed but was clearly quite dead. While the assistant left to make a telephone call to the deceased’s employer, the detective made the grim discovery of what seemed to be the murder weapon – one of the dead mans own Jam jar samples, which had killed him with a fatal blow to the back of his neck,covering his head with sticky strawberry jam. The question now was by whom and why or more importantly WHERE?..........
Cache is a 250ml container.