Wascott Copper Mine #7 Traditional Cache
Size:  (micro)
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The seventh stop on your tour of the old Wascott (Weyerhauser)
Copper Mine area.
Ocassionally, the families got to visit the miners during the summer months
After the Civil War, the discovery and mapping of high-grade Bessemer ore in the Gogebic Range of northern Wisconsin and Michigan in 1872 renewed interest in the region, and even led to a frenzy of speculation. Fortunes were made -- and lost -- overnight in northern Wisconsin during the 1880s. Palatial homes were constructed and wealthy investors from the East came to view the mines. Communities such as Ironwood and Hurley sprang up around them, and travel guides praised the natural beauty of the region's lakes, rivers, and forests. Although at times exuberant, the 1880s boom on the Gogebic was not based entirely on speculation; tremendous deposits of high-grade ore were actually uncovered and successfully brought to market. But the investment in northern mining that peaked in 1886 and 1887 was soon followed by a crash that eliminated most of the smaller companies.
Another mine rock dump.
Be sure to wear blaze orange during hunting seasons!
Take a pen or pencil with you.
Depending on how tightly the cover was replaced on this cache, it may be a bit difficult to open. Please take a Leatherman, pliers, crescent wrench or some such tool just in case. |
Please DO NOT ENTER any of the shafts!
Additional Hints
Cvrpr bs oehfu bar sbbg hc