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FunCanal 110 - SCAR2012 Traditional Cache

Hidden : 4/7/2012
1.5 out of 5
2 out of 5

Size: Size:   small (small)

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Geocache Description:

This cache is for SCAR 2012 and should not be sought out until 5:30 pm on May 25, 2012. Any logs prior to this date and time will be deleted.

Welcome to FunCanal! This cache journey will take you along an important part of our local area. Along the way you may see many types of wildlife. We saw many species of birds, deer, pronghorn, coyotes, muskrats, gophers, while hiding these caches (and we saw George and Lex too!) There are also many pastures with cattle. Numbers 99-134 are a bit rougher on the vehicle But the trail should be driveable in anything but a low slung sports car. (No spitfire here, El Fudgeoo) Please take care when approaching any crossings, be it bridges or gravel roads. You will intersect with a number of major grid roads while traveling this trail. The trail may be muddy and have ruts at times, but we’ve endeavored to make this as user friendly as we could. Should you have to open any gates, please close them when you are through. Pay attention to which side of the canal upcoming caches will be on. Typically they are on both sides, so you’ll eventually drive both directions. At times this canal can flow very swiftly and other times it will be dry, depending on the season and conditions. Keep this in mind when children are around. The cache hides are not meant to be very difficult (well maybe a couple are). Bring a camera, some drinks and a lunch and make a day of it. We hope you enjoy your drive! The SSEWS (Saskatoon South East Water Supply) system supplies recreation, industrial, municipal, wildlife and agricultural water over 137 km of canal. The system supplies many private irrigators and also the Hillcrest Irrigation District. The water in the SSEWS is pumped out of Lake Diefenbaker and runs by gravity all the way to Dellwood reservoir near Lanigan.

Additional Hints (No hints available.)