Sprungwater Hill Revival Traditional Cache
Size:  (micro)
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While finding another cache in this area I picked up some little glass jars from the kerbside junk pickup. I replaced one of them at this site of a previous cache which for many months was my closest to home non find. Since it has now been archived, it's time to place a cache in this lovely reserve.
The cache is hidden near a couple of standard trees, a Bougainvillea and plenty of ivy. The cache is NOT near the wretched Bougainvillea. The cache is hidden inside the black shadecloth along the fence. You will need to bend to retrieve the cache. You will NOT need to get scratched to access the cache.
You will need to walk down a grassy slope to access the cache, but I have been more than generous in my terrain rating. There is a conrete path which circles the reserve, so please try to retrieve the cache at an opportune time.
Conrgatulations to snoseeker on his FTF.
Additional Hints
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