Unruly Hugged A Square Tree Traditional Cache
Cache-tech: Listing Archived
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Unruly Hugged A Square Tree
Size: (large)
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Another Angry Birds Cache!
I thought I saw a Rabbit! I am not sure that it really was a rabbit, though! There is rabbit scat everywhere - don't step in it. But I mean, the rabbit I saw - it was kind of green. And not very fluffy. It's tail was all coiled and springy, not at all cottony! But what would an evil pig be doing in this lovely area???
Another Angry Birds Cache!
A short hike to where this cache is hanging around with rocky.
Additional Hints
1985 Fgrira Fcvryoret svyz jvgu Qnaal Tybire, Jubbcv Tbyqoret, naq Bcenu Jvaserl.