Between 2 wolf's Letterbox Hybrid
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This cache is located in Mason Ohio close to one of my favorite family get-a-ways. A quick P&G. You can drive within a few feet of the cache. Have fun enjoy the hunt :) This is both a geocache and a letterbox (how fun)! Please help me keep this cached maintained.
You are looking for a clear canister type container with a white lid. This is a Hybrid cache. It includes several small trade items, however do not take the stamp or ink pad inside as it needs to remain in the container for the letterboxer's. There is a seperate log and ink pen for the geocachers - it is in a blue bottle inside of the cotainer. Please make sure everything is sealed back up and the lid is tightly secured and hide it just where you found it.
Additional Hints
Urer'f Lbhe Fvta.