A Presidential Flash Mob Event Cache
MVG: Time to put this one away - thanks for coming out on this cold morning and a special thanks to those who made the trip to Tar Hollow!
Monday, February 20, 2012
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Happy President's Day!
We will be having a very quick Presidential Flash Mob Event at the
Former Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Station in Xenia, OH. Now it is
used as the Xenia Bike Hub and the center for biking to all
directions from the Xenia area.
We will meet at precisely 7:45AM at the above coordinates. During
our quick 15 minute event we will have a breakfast snack and/or
beverage after we sign the logbook and then we will pose for a very
'Presidential Photo'. To make the photo presidential, you are
encouraged to dress as your favorite president or at least
impersonate your favorite president.
At exactly 8:00Am - everyone will get their presidential pardon and
must vacate the area!
Did you know that Xenia has been the host for a few presidential
visits in it's history?
1) President-Elect Abraham Lincoln made a brief appearance in the
city as his inaugural train traveled from Cincinnati to Columbus on
Wednesday morning, February 13, 1861. He even gave a small speech
which was not recorded by the traveling writer from the New York
Times as it echoed the same sentiments that he had expressed before
in his previous stops. According to the Times writer, "a very large
crowd assembled, and amid the firing of a cannon and enthusiasm,
Mr. Lincoln addressed them from the rear car, reiterating what he
had said before."
2) On April 3, 1974, an F-5 tornado struck Xenia at 4:42 p.m.
Several days later, President Richard Nixon visited Xenia to view
the devastation and declare the area a disaster.
3) On September 27, 2004, George Bush made a campaign visit by bus
and made a quick stop to say a few words and rally supporters.
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