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Chokoji Temple Traditional Cache

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Hidden : 12/24/2011
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Geocache Description:

Chokoji Temple is exceptional temple of Rinzai school Tofuku group and in Aichi Pref. Toyota city. Sango is Shuunzan, the principal image is Juichimen-Kannon, and originator was Taiyo Gichu in 1335.
It was established as family temple of Chujo Hidenaga master of Koromo castle Mikawanokuni. The area of temple was 24 ha (59 acre) and there were 18 sub-temples.
The temple was so big, Oda Nobnaga mistook it for castle and burned it down in 1567.
In 1583 Koromo castle keeper Yogo Masakatsu the vassal of Nobunaga held memorial service for the first anniversary of Nobunaga's death in rebuilt Chokoji. At that service “Shihon Chakushoku Odanobunaga-zo” (visit link) (The important culture property painted by Kano Motohide) the most famous picture of Oda Nobunaga in Japan was presented to Chokoji Temple.
This picture is not opened to the pubulic but you can see the copy at Toyota City Museum of Local History (visit link) .

Cache is hidden in the temple. Almost no one is near but conversely suspicious activity will stand out. Please be careful.

===== Japanese =====
建武2年(1335年)に三河国衣(ころも)城主中条秀長の菩提寺として創建され、当時の寺域は南北5丁余り、東西4丁余り、18坊に及ぶ塔頭が建ち並び、地域最大の寺院でした。永禄10年(1567年)には、余りの偉容に城と間違えた織田信長の兵火によって焼失しました。天正11年(1583年) 信長の家臣で衣城代の余語正勝が、再興した長興寺で信長の一周忌法要を行い、その際に、日本の歴史教科書にも掲載されている織田信長の肖像画として最も有名な「紙本著色織田信長像」 (visit link) (狩野元秀筆、重要文化財)が寄進されました。
この絵は通常は、公開されていませんが、豊田市郷土資料館 (visit link) に複写されたものが展示されています。

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Orgjrra gur ebpxf naq yrnirf

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)