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Orion - Bellatrix Mystery Cache

Hidden : 10/15/2011
2.5 out of 5
2 out of 5

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Geocache Description:

Orion - Bellatrix

Orion (The Hunter) is surely the most appropriate constellation for Geocaching. This series plots the shape of the main stars of Orion in the downland between Blackcap and Denton. You do not need to visit the published locations that make up the constellation. Use the celestial coordinates of each star to construct the actual locations of the caches. Each one is different. The actual caches co-ordinates are all within (often well within) 800m of the published co-ordinates. You can collect all these caches in a single walk, with some excursions off public footpaths onto small unmarked paths. You only need to do anything resembling crashing through undergrowth as you get close to some of the GZs. Since I planned this series a new fence has been erected which may cause some annoying backtracking. A good sequence to do these in, without the need to climb any fences, would be Rig-Hat-Mint-Neb-Miz-Alnm-Bell-Meis-Alnk-Bete-Sai – or the reverse.

Finding celestial co-ordinates for these stars should be easy enough, but be advised that different sky sites give varying numbers of decimal places. Beware of rounding issues. I have tried to keep the most critical substitutions unambiguous, and there’s always the geochecker to make sure you are on the right track.

Bellatrix (Female Warrior) is 3rd brightest star in Orion. It is a blue giant several times bigger than the sun. It is closer than the other stars in Orion at just 240 light years away. It is near the end of its blue giant phase, and will evolve into an orange giant in the next few million years. It has already developed a growing shell of gaseous matter as it begins to transform.

If the celestial location of Bellatrix is written as this
Ra : AB : CD : EF.G, Dec : JK : LM : PQ.R

The location of the Cache is this :
Nth: PR (L+C)Q.(G-B)JE, East: 000 M(K-L).FGQ

You can check your answer for the cache location on

Additional Hints (Decrypt)


Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)