Historia budov
Historia hotelierstva v oblasti Strbskeho Plesa sa spaja s menom Jozefa Szentivanyiho, ktory tu polozil zaklady turistickeho rezortu v roku 1872. Vtedy si tu dal postavit jednoduchu polovnicku chatu. Po naslednom pribudani turistickych a kupelnych objektov bola tato oblast vyhlasena v roku 1885 za kupele.
Lukrativita uzemia priamo pri horskom jazere, pokoj salajuci z horskych stitov, skalnata morena stara niekolko milionov rokov, toto vsetko si priam vyzadovalo prestiz, zvlastny a jedinecny punc luxusu a bublinky sampanskeho. A tak tu vyrastli tri vzajomne prepojene budovy, ktore sa vyznacuju roznymi architektonickymi stylmi od secesie az po modernu, kedze boli postavene v priebehu styroch desatroci. Jozefova Vila – tak sa volala najstarsia budova z komplexu, ktory nechal Szentivanyi postavit. Pochadza z roku 1893 a navstevovali ju len najvyssie aristokraticke kruhy ako Habsburgovci a Coburgovci ci srbsky kral Milan. Tato budova je neskor znama ako Janosik, prva z komplexu liecebnych budov s hrazdenou konstrukciou a vezickou. Objekt hotela Krivan bol dokonceny v roku 1906 a v tom obdobi patril k trom tatranskym grandhotelom. Projekt vypracoval znamy architekt Guido Hoepfner v spolupraci s Gejzom Gyorgyim. Objekt hotela Hviezdoslav bol postaveny v roku 1923 a nesie meno najväcsieho slovenskeho basnika. Na zariadeni interieru sa podielali ti najvyznamnejsi navrhari, ktori ho odeli do unikatneho rondokubizmu, vtedajsieho ceskoslovenskeho narodneho slohu. Jeho kuchyna podla vtedajsej kritiky nemala konkurenciu. Cas je vsak neuprosny a od roku 1953 sa tento komplex cely pod menom Hviezdoslav vyuzival ako liecebna, zaradeny do zoznamu pamiatkovo chranenych stavieb. Postupne vsak chatral a neskor bol az do roku 2005 uzavrety. K tymto stavbam patrila aj budova restauracie Koncista, ktora bola prepojena na budovu Janosika, no v devatdesiatych rokoch 20. st. bola zatvorena a pre zly stavebno-technicky stav musela byt v roku 2004 asanovana.
Navrh projektu rekonstrukcie a dostavby, ktora zacala v roku 2005 vypracovali architekti Peter Cerno, Martin Cerno a Gianfranco Maio z mnichovskej kancelarie. Respektoval poziadavky a odporucenia ochranarov pamiatok a prirody, geologov a archeologov. Pri zachovani a obnove mnohych povodnych prvkov a detailov ako fasady, ich farebnosti, stresnej krytiny, drevenych prvkov, schodisk, stropnych malieb, svietidiel bol potrebny citlivy a odborny pristup vsetkych zucastnenych. Narocne prace v horskej morene pre vybudovanie podzemnej spojovacej chodby si vyziadali premiestnenie 18-tisic kubikov zeminy a skal, z toho 5-tisic rucne. Rekonstrukcia budov tohto komplexu bola ukoncena 7. maja 2009.
History of the buildings
History of hotel industry in the area Strbske Pleso is associated with the name Joseph Szentiványiho which here laid the foundations tourist resort in 1872. That time there was built a simple hunting cottage. The subsequent rise in tourism and spa facilities this area has been declared in 1885 for spas.
Lucrativeness land directly on a mountain lake, peace emanating from the mountain peaks, rocky moraine several million years old, all this you direct required prestige, special and unique hallmark of luxury and champagne bubbles. And so there grew up three interconnected buildings, which are characterized by different architectural styles from Art Nouveau to Modernism, because they were built during the four decades. Joseph's Villa - thus called oldest building from the complex, which has been Szentivanyi built. Dates from 1893 and visited her only the highest aristocratic circles as the Habsburgs and the Coburg or Serbian King Milan. This building was later known as Janosik, half-timbered construction and tower, the first from therapeutic building complex. Building of the hotel Krivan was completed in 1906 and at that time belonged to the three grand hotels in the High Tatras. The project developed famous architect Guido Hoepfner, in cooperation with Gejza Györgyi. Building of the hotel Hviezdoslav was built in 1923 and bears the name of the greatest Slovak poet. On the equipment interior have participated the most important designers who him clothed in a unique rondokubizmus, the former Czechoslovak national style. His kitchen by critics that time was unrivaled. Time is relentless and, since 1953, the entire complex under the name Hviezdoslav used as a sanatorium, included in the list of historically protected objects. Gradually fell into disrepair and was later up to 2005 is closed. The complex included a building of the restaurant Koncista, which was interconnected to the building of the hotel Janosik, but in the nineties of the 20th st. was closed and for the poor technical state building had to be sanitized in 2004.
The project design and completion of the renovation, which began in 2005 developed the architects Peter Cerno, Martin Cerno and Gianfranco Maio from Munich office. Respect the requirements of and recommendations of the defenders of nature and heritage, geology and archeology. While preserving and restoring many original features and details such as facades, their color, roofing, wood floor, stairs, ceiling paintings, the lighting was needed sensitive and professional approach of all concerned. Demanding work in mountain moraine to build an underground passageway was required the relocation of 18-thousand cubic meters of soil and rocks, of which five thousand hand. Reconstruction of buildings of the complex was completed 7th May 2009.
Zdroj / Source: internet
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