a little birdy told us u reached 100day challenge Mystery Cache
Ms Toastmaster: I have moved to Florida and will be unable to maintain this cache. My thanks to the many cachers who searched for and found my hides.
a little birdy told us u reached 100day challenge
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Can you cache every day for 100 days?
No breaks. No missed days. No excuses! The 3 difficulty rating is in doing the hundred days, not in locating the actual cache.
The cache is located at the above co-ordinates, however, in order to log this cache, you must successfully find and log at least one cache per day for 100 consecutive days!
In order to show that you have completed 100 consecutive days of caching, I would suggest you have your statistics page on your profile activated. This will show the 'Longest Streak'. If you do not have this, then GSAK statistics will have "most consecutive days with finds" within it. Failing that, a bookmark with a list of your 100 days. All forms of caches (traditionals, unknowns, multis, earthcaches, wherigos, events, virtuals, webcams and letterbox hybrids) can be used in this challenge.
This is no longer a bird. . I've taken new co-ords so it should still be an easy find...the hard part is the 100 days of caching...NO Breaks.
~congrats DSKG on your FTF ~
Additional Hints
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