Cinnamon Cache Traditional Cache
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There is some tall grass and dirt. No problems getting there though. Don't come out in a suit. Some day they will build something here. Its been in the planning stages forever.
Bring your own pen and watch for bulldozer crossing. :)
I call this the Cinnamon cache because this used to be my cinnamon container. When I got some cinnamon for my toast the old geocache wheels started turning and I HAD to convert this to a cache container. Thats just what happens when the old geocache bug hits and bites you. You will never be the same. Everything you see and do is tainted with a lens of "could this be a container?" Its a really horrible but beautiful artistic type of pseudoaddiction. Those who have this ailment know just exactly what I am talking about. Well, the addiction took over and next thing I remember was recording coordinates of a new location and putting the container down in some god forsaken place. When the blackout was over I found myself typing this here on my computer with some sweats and shaking chills. LOL....
Addendum....Waaaahhhhhh my old cinnamon container has been destroyed..I have placed another container with new coordinates. Wrapped in camo tape so you must look CLOSE. I figure this could hold cinnamon as well... so the name still works.
Please watch for muggles and replace carefully.
Still loving this sport!
Additional Hints
Ybbx ng obggbz bs qbhoyr gerr. Ybbx pybfryl