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Trhlovca (Triglovca) cave Traditional Cache

Hidden : 6/29/2011
1.5 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   regular (regular)

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Geocache Description:

Kamenodobna postojanka / Stone age shelter

Trhlovca (Triglovca) je jama - spodmol, ki je le dobrih 150 metrov oddaljena od glavne ceste Divaca – Lokev. Trhlovca je pomembna tudi zaradi paleontoloških izkopavanj, saj so v 80–ih letih arheologi v plasteh iz mezolitika našli kamnite predmete, ki so služili predvsem takratnim lovcem. V plasteh iz neolitika pa so našli loncevino ter obdelano kamnito in košceno orodje, pomešano s kostmi udomacenih in divjih živali. Te najdbe pricajo o dolgi poselitvi na tem mestu, saj je bila jama v mezolitiku (mlajši kameni dobi) lovska, kasneje pa pastirska postojanka.

Priporocam, da parkirate avto na koordinatah N 45° 40.315 E 013° 56.881
Od tam vodi pot vse do jame.
Pri postavljanju zaklada smo v jami videli sovo, zaželeno je da cim manj motite njen vsakdan.

Zaradi šibkega Gps signala v dolini lahko koordinate odstopajo.

The cave Trhlovca (Triglovca) is located only about 150 meters from the main road Divaca - Lokev. Trhlovca is also important for paleontological excavations since the eighties when archaeologists in layers from the Mesolithic found stone tools that were primarily used by hunters at that time. In the layers of the Neolithic period they found pottery, stone and bone tools, mixed with the bones of domesticated and wild animals. These findings testify about the long settlements here since the cave in the Mesolithic (Stone Age) was hunter's and later shepherd's residence.

I recommend that you park the car at the coordinates N 45° 40.315 E 013° 56.881
From there the route leads up to the cave
When we set up the treasure in the cave, we saw an owl, so it is recomended not to disturb it.

Due to a weak signal in the valley the coordinates can deviate.

Zacetna vsebina / Initial content:
- Log book, pencil and sharpener, note (do not take)
- FireSkunk GC
- compass
- led light
- Yugoslav dinar coin
-3x marbles
-plastic car and helicopter toy

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Qir mryb iryvxv fxnyv an yriv / Gur gjb irel ynetr ebpx ba gur yrsg

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)