Choose your B.U.T.T. wisely! Traditional Cache
Ice and Wind: The cache owner has not responded, or corrected the problems with the cache, so I must regretfully archive this listing.
Choose your B.U.T.T. wisely!
(not chosen)
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Welcome to the Bremerton Gateway Series, Part 3. If you have not figured this out yet, the acronym is Bremerton Underground Transit Tunnel. But, how many of you know there are 2 of these here? And, even more interesting is: what's inbetween them? Don't know what brainiac thought this up but now we have a famous B.U.T.T. in town. Did you see the T-shirt?
When you are here, you can see the big tunnel for ferry traffic to the east and a shipyard entrance to the west. The traffic leaving the ferry uses the new tunnel exit now to decrease congestion in downtown. The gate access leads to a second or smaller tunnel, an underground passageway which requires special access for entry. (which has been here a long time).
The cache is now located where the construction should not affect it.
The parking is non-existent during daytime work hours so you will have to figure out where to go then. You can use any of the other parking coords if there is availability and walk(bike) to the caches in this area.
A wheelchair can get close to the cache but you may not be able to retrieve it alone.
Good luck in finding the new container.
Don't forget to write down any clues on the cache logs so you can find the final!
Hopefully the construction and maintenance is wrapping up now, so we won't have to move the cache again.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!CONGRATULATIONS TO MISENAR AND Steve &Renee for FTF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Additional Hints
Vs lbh arrq uryc, gel cubavat n sevraq.