I placed this cache here because this is my favorite Almaden
Quicksilver trail.....New Almaden Trail. My favorite type cache is
regular to large.
The is on the larger end of a regular size, camo'd jar. I have put
some nice goodies in it. Yes, mostly kid stuff, but not junky.
Bring fun trade items.
I placed this nice cache about 15 feet off the beaten path. Trust
your GPS to which side to go...up or down. Be careful when going
toward the cache. Don't lose your balance. Might end up with grass
stains on your behind ;)
Although, there is no PO in this mostly grassy area, there is just
a little fairly close to the cache. Easy to skirt around as I did
placing it.(the cache, not the PO)
Important Please put lid back on tight and recover the same
or better than you find it. Be stealthy as you can be seen from the
path, most likely.
I am hoping this cache will last a long time. Most importantly,
There is a FTF $1 prize in the plastic bag with the log and
pencil. You can keep that w/o a trade.
Congratulations to a shocked Chucklesda for