Maitreyi (La Nuit Bengali, French; Bengal Nights, English) is a 1933 Romanian novel written by the author and philosopher Mircea Eliade. It is a fictionalized account of the love story between Eliade, who was visiting India at the time, and the young Maitreyi Devi (protegée of the great Bengali poet Rabindranath Tagore, who became a famous writer herself). The novel was translated into Italian in 1945, German in 1948, Spanish in 1952, Esperanto in 2007. Its most famous translation is the one in French, published as La Nuit Bengali in 1950. In fulfillment of a promise Eliade made to Maitreyi (that his novel would not be published in English during their lifetimes) an English translation of Mayitreyi, Bengal Nights did not appear until 1993.
This cache will bring you close to the comemorative oak tree seeded in 1961 to celebrate 100 years from the birth of the great indian poet.
"Let your life lightly dance on the edges of time like dew on the tip of a leaf"
Rabindranath Tagore
walk 20 regular paces to N-E
Maitreyi (Noaptea Bengaleza) este un roman al filosofului Mircea Eliade aparut in 1933. Infatiseaza fictiv povestea de dragoste dintre Eliade, care vizita India la acea perioada, si tanara Maitreyi Devi (aflata sub aripa marelui poet indian Rabindranath Tagore, si ajungand ea insasi o mare poeta). Romanul a fost tradus in limba italiana in 1945, in germana in 1948, spaniola in 1952, esperanto in 2007. Cea mai cunoscuta adaptare a fost cea in limba franceza din 1950. Respectand promisiunea facuta de catre Eliade iubitei sale Maitrey romanul nu a aparut in limba engleza decat in anul 1993 (dupa moartea celor doi protagonisti).
Acest cache va va aduce foarte aproape de stejarul plantat in anul 1961 in onoarea immplinirii a o suta de ani de la nasterea marelui poet indian Rabindranath Tagore.
"Onduleaza-ti viata in miscasri gratioase si atemporale precum roua ce se scurge pe fibra de frunza in neant"
Rabindranath Tagore
mergi 20 de pasi catre N-E