Barton Park Traditional Cache
GeoBeavis: Looks like this one is long gone. Had a pretty good run. Thanks!
Size:  (small)
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This is a small lock-n-lock in the woods behind Barton Park (between Fall Creek and Capitol Avenue).
Barton Park is a very small, almost hidden, park in the 2300N block of Capitol Ave. You can park along the street at the entrance on Capitol, or take the alley behind the houses, which starts just south of the bridge over Fall Creek.
GPSr might jump around a little in the trees. Just use your geosense and/or the hint if you get stuck.
There appears to have been some muggle activity in this woods in the past (it looks like a fun place for kids to play), so please hide the container well enough to keep it from view.
Expect some light bushwhacking - maybe a little worse in the summer.
Daylight caching only!
Congratulations to asheroonie and The_Adam_H for FTF!
Additional Hints
Va gur ovttrfg fghzc, pbirerq jvgu onex.