Hartbreak Hotel & TB Exchange Traditional Cache
caching_tigers: We will be removing this cache.
Hartbreak Hotel & TB Exchange
Size:  (regular)
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Since I left I-40,
Found a new place to dwell...
16 miles North of Horseshoe Lake
at the Hartbreak Hotel.
This cache is designed to be easily accessible from I-40 to facilitate TB and geocoin exchange. Please leave one if you take one to keep the hotel occupied.
This cache contains 7 trackables, kids' trade items, a log book, pen, and a FTF Micro Compass Rose Geocoin collectible.
The difficulty rating is a 2 due to frequent muggle activity. Please use stealth. The property owner is aware of this hide. Happy caching!
Long distance information,
Get me Memphis Tennessee,
Help me find a cache to rest
and find some company.
Congrats to kingmedic for the FTF!
Additional Hints