Tonel Traditional Cache
SUp3rFM: Arquivada.
SUp3rFM Volunteer Cache Reviewer
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medium airtight box. goodies inside incredible sea views. bring warm clothes if it is a windy day. enjoy the cache!
caixa hermética médio. presentinhos dentro vistas incríveis do mar. trazer roupas quentes, se for um dia ventoso. apreciar o cache!
medium airtight box. goodies inside incredible sea views. bring warm clothes if it is a windy day. enjoy the cache!
caixa hermética médio. presentinhos dentro vistas incríveis do mar. trazer roupas quentes, se for um dia ventoso. apreciar o cache!
Additional Hints
ybbx sbe gur ynetre ebpxf, gura ybbx sbe ybgf bs fznyyre ebpxf fgnpxrq hc. gur pnpur vf uvqqra va n ynetr ubyr va n ovt ebpx, naq gur ubyr unf orra pbirerq jvgu fznyyre ebpxf.
cebphene nf crqenf znvberf, ragãb byune cnen bf ybgrf qr crqenf zraberf rzcvyunqnf. N pnpur rfgá rfpbaqvqn rz hz tenaqr ohenpb rz hzn crqen tenaqr, rb ohenpb sbv pboregb pbz crqenf zraberf.