La entrada está cerrada al tráfico rodado. Hay que subir dos cuestas con diferencia de nivel de unos 15 metros combinados. En un día claro se puede ver la costa de Africa y el estrecho de Gibraltar.El caché mide 18x16x10 aprox. transparente.
The entrance is closed to traffic. You have to climb two hills with level difference of about 15 meters combined. On a clear day you can see the coast of Africa and the Strait of Gibraltar. Cache measures approx 18x16x10. transparent.
Cache was adopted 17 march 2012.
new box put in place 18th march 2012.
box contents on placement:
log book and pen
motorcycle toy
poker chip
2 x silly bands
metal whistle
Spanish Sticker
Nightmare before xmas keyring
union jack(uk) Badge
Happy caching!!