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Black Rock Airplane Crash #3 Traditional Cache

This cache has been archived.

New York Admin: I regret to report that the cache owner has not responded to the prior note about this disabled cache. I'm archiving it opening the area up to others.

New York Admin Volunteer Cache Reviewer

Hidden : 10/23/2010
2.5 out of 5
3.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   micro (micro)

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Geocache Description:

This cache will take you to a Cessna 150 (still intact!) which crashed on August 4th, 1978. Cause of accident: flying in bad weather and got lost in the fog, hit the trees. Pilot walked away without any injuries!

This is my contribution to the beautiful Black Rock Forest. All three airplane crash caches are matchstick holders hidden in a similar fashion. I recommend doing them in order because the crashes get bigger and better as you go along. None of the caches are hidden on the airplanes, to respect those who were killed or seriously injured in the crashes. All caches are within a few feet of the debris, all attached to limbs of trees. You will need to bushwhack to all the sites. How you get there is your choice. Some may require a heavy bushwhack, while others may be closer to the trail.

Feel free to share photos of your finds. But be respectful and don't disturb the structures. I hope you enjoy your experience. Be safe!

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

unatvat ba yvzo haqrearngu jvat.

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)