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Wilson Prairie Traditional Cache

This cache has been archived.

Reviewer Revan: Cache Owner (CO) has not responded, so I am regretfully archiving this cache to keep it from continually showing up in search lists, and to prevent it from blocking new cache placements.

Reviewer Revan
A Geocaching Volunteer Reviewer

Geocaching Guidelines
Dynamic Help Center

Hidden : 10/13/2010
1.5 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   micro (micro)

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Geocache Description:

This cache is located in Wilson Prairie cemetery. This cemetery was started in 1892, and once had an adjoining school and church. Over the years the school closed, and the community that once was, moved to the town of Bridgeport. Decendents of the original church still meet today at the Carpenter Street Church of Chirst in Bridgeport. Many of my family members are buried at this site, and some day, this will be my final resting place as well.
You are looking for a matchstick tube. Not a large cemetery, and using GPSr coordinates, shouldn't take too long to find. The gate is not kept locked, just closed. Please close gate when leaving, and be respectful of the surroundings.
Log only, so please BYOP. FTF will find Texas lotto scratch off ticket waiting for you.

Congratulations to bport seekers for FTF!

Additional Hints (No hints available.)