A small - River Traditional Cache
Size:  (small)
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It will only take you about 10 min walk from the parkingplace
If you have your hiking boots on you can walk all the way to Vaðalfjöll. A trip worth taking but it will take you a couple of hours. Although you can drive al lot closer using a nearby path.
Orginal cach contains logbook, pen and a gift.
I grew up in this area and worked for 10 years at the near by hotel. A long tima ago.
When I was travelling there this summer I found it to be the perfect place to hide a cach.
Near the cach there is the old water supply for the hotel. It seems like they are still using it.
Additional Hints
Zl svefg gubhtug jnf gb uvqr gur pnpu va gur pnalba ng gur byq jngre fhccyl ohg sbhaq ab uvqvat cynpr. Fb vg vf rnflre gb gb gnxr gur cngu gung sbyybjf gur evtgug unaq rqtr. Va gur "ohfurf" evtug nobir gur byq jngre fhccyl.