Attention: The Parking Area off Shady Lane Closes at 9 PM and THE GATE IS LOCKED!

One of the most sensational episodes in the history of the Highlands is "The Great Gold Rush of 1948". On the 7th of April of that year, William R. Cotrell, a 75 year old lobsterman, found several gold coins from the 18th century on the beach. For days, all normal business ceased, as up to 5,000 Highlanders and fortune hunters from outside the area and state sifted the sands in a frenzied search for more of Captain Kidd's lost treasure. However, Captain Kidd was captured and hanged in 1701 and most of the recovered coins bore dates of 1730 and later. The source of the treasure remains unknown!!!

The cache is hanging from a tree branch about 5'off the ground. PLEASE MAKE CERTAIN that it is COMPLETELY Closed! The cache contains "S&B Tokens" and a log. Please bring your own pencil.
DIRECTIONS: Park at either of the suggested parking lots (see Waypoints section) and take a leisurely walk along the scenic paved path of this section of "The Henry Hudson Trail (Bayshore Trail)".