Guilford School District Mystery Mystery Cache
Guilford School District Mystery
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The cache is not at the posted coords. You will have to figure out the mystery below to find the cache. (I will spot you the zero.)
Everything you need to know is below.
Back in the 1800s, the town of Guilford was split into 14 school districts. Each district had its own one-room schoolhouse.
Some of them remained in use until 1957, when the Central School opened. (The posted coords would bring you to the intersection near the school, but there is no need to go there. The cache is within the town of Guilford.) Many of the one-room schoolhouses remain -- some as private residences, one as an office, one as a vacation rental cottage and two are public property, but unused. Some are completely gone, with no signs of where they were.
Click on the link below, if you would like to see a map of the school districts in 1869. Careful inspection with a magnifying glass will help you find them.
1869 Guilford Map
When looking at the map, I noticed that there is no logical order for the school districts. You will need to use logic to figure out the coordinates. Everything you need is on this page. All you need are the basic skills of readin', ritin', and 'rithmatic! (Not really any 'rithmatic, other than readin' and 'ritin' numbers!)
I have posted the roadside coordinates to all of the schoolhouses. There's no need to go to them.
Use the following information to find the cache -- a small camo-taped lock and lock. And yes, you should end up on the very edge of some property surrounding a schoolhouse.
Two of two.
Three of one.
Four of thirteen.
Five of five.
Five of twelve.
Seven of eleven.
Seven of fourteen.
Nine of four.
Nine of seven.
Nine of eight.
Ten of six.
Eleven of ten.
Twelve of three.
Thirteen of nine.
Add this offset to the solution for more accurate coordinates: N plus .004, W plus .005.
This cache was released for the 10 Years! Guilford, Vt. event.
Congratulations to fyrdog for figuring out the puzzle and finding it first!
You can check your answers for this puzzle on
Additional Hints
PNPUR: WHFG ORYBJ TENQR YRIRY (Guerr srrg sebz n zbjrq nern.)