O. T. Series: Slater Creek Overlook Traditional Cache
O. T. Series: Slater Creek Overlook
Size:  (small)
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Oregon Trail Series:
Slater Creek Overlook
Thousands of emigrants
southwestern Idaho between
1843 and 1870 on their way
to the Willamette River valley in Oregon.
If you are traveling northwest
as the pioneers did, you are approaching Slater Creek, which was
another of the small drainages crossed by the Oregon Trail which
had questionable water. As with all of the creeks between the Snake
River and the Boise, River, some emigrants camped along this creek
as they crossed the desert foothills.
Saturday, Sept. 28 ...We traveled about twelve hours and camped on
a branch, water in holes only and not much grass for cattle. We
expected to reach the river to-day, but did not. Rev. Edward Evans
Parrish, 1844
Additional Hints
(No hints available.)