Baby Kai, Creature of the Sea Mystery Cache
Baby Kai, Creature of the Sea
Size:  (regular)
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Cache is not at the posted coordinates but within 3 miles at a nearby municipal park and within 2 miles of the namesake cache of the "kuya" (big brother in Tagalog) of the titular thing. Determine location from one or more of the following photos.
From this awe-inspiring spectacle of oceanic power arose ....
Baby Kai, Creature of the Sea
Please allow me to introduce the newest member of the Xklondike team, a being whose primary function will be to find all kayak, Scuba, and other water-related caches. This is to complement the land work of his brother, Keb, whose name means Earth.
The kanji "Kai" shown above means ocean or sea. Interestingly, Kai has the same meaning in a completely unrelated language spoken faraway on the Pacific islands of Hawaii.
The photo below shows where Kai's minions have stowed a cylinder of some kind.
Beware!! Guarded by a rambunctious Kuya Keb.
Also keep an eye out for Thing of the Addams Family who, of course, has no eyes.
Terrain rating is for the final few feet. The cache contains currency for FTF, coinage for STF, and fun kid things for all finders. No need to trade.
But remember, never turn your back on the sea.
Congratulations to kablooey for FTF while at the same time achieving 11,000 finds.
Additional Hints
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