Jackal Traditional Cache
Size: (small)
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This should be a fairly easy cache to find; however, gloves and long sleeves are recommended, but not required to retrieve it.
I wasn't sure what to name this cache. My first thought was going to be "Charlie in the Wire II" as it has a similar placement as the final on "Charlie in the Wire" (GC21XGE).
Shortly after placing the cache I saw two jackals walking across a field about a mile from ground zero. Considering that I have a "Coyote" (GC1ATZ0) cache in Post Falls, Idaho, Jackal seemed appropriate for the name for this one.
The jackal is a member of any of three (sometimes four) small to medium-sized species of the family Canidae, found in Africa, Asia and southeastern Europe. Jackals fill a similar ecological niche to the Coyote (the American Jackal) in North America, that of predators of small to medium-sized animals, scavengers, and omnivores. Their long legs and curved canine teeth are adapted for hunting small mammals, birds and reptiles. Big feet and fused leg bones give them a long-distance runner's physique, capable of maintaining speeds of 10 mph for extended periods of time. They are most active at dawn and dusk.
GENERAL RULES FOR CACHING IN IRAQ: This cache is located in a war zone. It is on a coalition controlled installation. You will need proper credentials to gain access to the area. Do not post logs that give any references to what is around the cache site or might otherwise compromise OPSEC.
If you are a Geocacher in eastern Washington or northern Idaho, please join the Inland Empire Chapter of the Washington State Geocaching Association. This is a great way to get the most out of Geocaching in our region. Simply go to the WSGA Web Page for details! |
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