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IYC2011 - Argon Mystery Cache

Hidden : 4/12/2010
2 out of 5
2 out of 5

Size: Size:   regular (regular)

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Geocache Description:

This is a cache in the IYC2011-series that is preparing for the International Year of Chemistry in 2011. They will hopefully increase chemistry knowledge as well as provide for good cache experiences.

Each cache in the IYC2011-series contains a clue (on the log sheet) to find the final IYC2011-cache to be released on 1/1/2011.


Argon is the chemical element with atomic number 18, represented by the symbol Ar.
Argon is the third most common gas in the Earth's atmosphere, at 0.93% -- making it more common than carbon dioxide. It is the third most abundant gas and the most frequently used of the noble gases. The complete octet in the outer atomic shell makes it stable and resistant to bonding with other elements.
Argon has approximately the same solubility in water as oxygen gas and is 2.5 times more soluble in water than nitrogen gas. Argon is colorless, odorless, and nontoxic as a solid, liquid, and gas. Argon is inert under most conditions and forms no confirmed stable compounds at room temperature.

Argon is produced industrially by the fractional distillation of liquid air, a process that separates liquid nitrogen, which boils at 77.3 K, from argon, which boils at 87.3 K and oxygen, which boils at 90.2 K. About 700,000 tons of argon are produced worldwide every year.
40Ar, the most abundant isotope of argon, is produced by the decay of 40K with a half-life of 1.25 × 109 years by electron capture or positron emission. Because of this, it is used in potassium-argon dating to determine the age of rocks.

Although argon is non-toxic, it does not satisfy the body's need for oxygen and is thus an asphyxiant. Argon is 25% more dense than air and is considered highly dangerous in closed areas. It is also difficult to detect because it is colorless, odorless, and tasteless. In confined spaces, it is known to result in death due to asphyxiation.

Read more about Argon here or here.

The coordinates

N 58° 50.A
E 009° 05.B
A: (Abundance (%) of 38Ar * 1000) +2
B: (Number of stable Ar-isotopes * 100) - 1

Cache contents

- Logsheet
- Pencil
- FTF-certificate
- Various trading items

This cache will be maintained by myself and family in the area on a monthly basis.

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Haqre oenapu, haqre fznyy gerrf.

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)