Numbers. We are fascinated by them.
Milestones celebrate progress made and goals reached.
The number 100 denotes a certain sense of accomplishment.
Please accept this series of Challenge Caches as a celebration of your achievements or as a goal to complete.
There is nothing too tricky or difficult about this particular hide, the difficult part is qualifying to seek it.
The cache is at the posted coordinates. But in order to log a find on this one, there is something extra you will need to do. In addition to finding the cache and signing the logbook, you must complete the following challenge:
Acquire at least 100 stars worth of D/T ratings in one calendar day.
The object of this challenge is that you must find caches, all within one calendar day, where their combined difficulty and terrain ratings add up to a minimum of 100 stars. This can be done in a minimum of ten long as each of those ten caches has a 5/5 rating (5/5 rating = 10 stars. 10 caches x 10 stars = 100 stars). Any combination of D/T ratings can be used. A 1.5/3.5 rated cache is worth 5 stars. A 2.5/1 rated cache is worth 3.5 stars. A 1/1 cache is worth 2 stars. You get the picture.
Here are the rules:
1. All of the caches must be found on the same calendar day.
2. The sum of the D/T stars has to be at least 100 but does not have to be equal to 100.
3. To even the playing field the challenge must be completed on or after the date that this cache is placed (some of you more experienced cachers might already have accomplished this without even trying, but you know you'd like to do it all over again, right?)
4. Use of the stars for this challenge cache may not be counted towards the 100 stars needed for the challenge.
5. This should not have to be said, BUT you may NOT count your own caches nor may not count one cache more than once.
6. You cannot claim your previously found caches again for the sake of this challenge. (These must be new finds for you as a cacher.)
7. After logging your online logs, you will need to post a note on this cache page that includes the date you met the challenge and the total number of stars for that day.
8. Once I review the list, I will give the okay to claim the final smilie on this cache page.
9. Have fun! Do some research and find an area that you haven't yet cached in. Pick a bunch of difficult caches or make a marathon of easier ones.
Please Note: You are welcome to find the cache, sign the log, and write comments on this cache page but you cannot log this cache as "found" unless you meet the requirements and have furnished proof to the cache owner as specified above.
The coordinates are real and if anyone finds this cache, signs the log, and logs a "found it" online without having verified their qualification to do so, will be forcing me to unceremoniously remove their log online and your puzzle-solving karma will take a nasty hit..... It is all for fun, and this cache is to honor those power cachers who have met this challenge!!
Not a requirement, but we would enjoy hearing about your busy day of finds in your online log.
First to Find Honors go to DEXTERJG!!!!!!!!!!!