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000 Victoria – Police Multi-Cache

This cache has been archived.

ssmc4: Can't find a good quality hiding spot for a largish cache (and don't want to just put out a micro or nano). Will archive this for now and once I get back from long service I might have a crack at version 2.

Many thanks for all who found and enjoyed this cache.

Hidden : 1/20/2010
2 out of 5
1 out of 5

Size: Size:   regular (regular)

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Geocache Description:

CACHE OBJECTIVES: This cache is one of ssmc4’s “000 Victoria” series, designed to highlight this State’s excellent Police and Emergency Services Organisations.

BACKGROUND: Victoria Police was founded in 1853 to uphold law and order in the State of Victoria. Since then it has grown in strength and sophistication and today employs more than 14,000 staff, including sworn police, public servants, forensic officers, reservists and protective security officers. It is the 2nd largest police force in Australia and is bigger, in terms of both the numbers of staff and geographic area policed, than most of the police forces in the English-speaking world.

All 000 or Triple Zero emergency phone calls in Australia are initially answered by Telstra’s 000 service operators. The Telstra 000 operators determine the nature of the emergency call and then quickly route it to the appropriate state police, fire or ambulance call centre depending on where the response is required.

Victoria Police currently handles incoming 000 calls in two ways:
1) If the emergency request for service falls into VicPol’s “metropolitan” geographic response area then Telstra routes the call to ESTA (the Emergency Services Telecommunications Authority). The ESTA operators collect the necessary details, log it into the Computer Aided Dispatch system and then dispatch the “event” to the appropriate police unit(s) for response. ESTA will also dispatch other emergency services to the scene if required.
2) If the emergency request for service falls into VicPol’s “regional” geographic response area then Telstra routes the call to the relevant Police Communications Centre, where a police operator will collect the details and dispatch the appropriate police unit(s).

MORE INFORMATION: The Victoria Police website is at The Victoria Police Museum is located at the World Trade Centre, Lower Concourse Level and is open between 10am-4pm Monday-Friday and entry is free. Further Museum info can be found via the Victoria Police website. The ESTA website is at

PUBLIC TRANSPORT: Southern Cross station is approximately 500m north along Spencer St. and the Flinders Street Station is approximately 1km east along Flinders St. Trams also run along both Spencer St and Flinders St. and can get you to VicPol HQ

SWAPS: This cache has a police theme, so please keep any swaps relevant to policing. Note that I will remove anything that is not in keeping with the theme.

WARNINGS: The first waypoint can be very busy. Be aware that there are always police staff around, armed Protective Services Officers patrolling and numerous fixed security cameras watching, so try not to act TOO suspiciously. Quickly determine the required information and move off. At the GZ be aware of people passing (including private security guards) and employ your best anti-muggle techniques.


The above co-ordinates will put you in front of the staff-only entrance at the Victoria Police HQ, 637 Flinders St Melbourne. Answer the clues to calculate the GZ. Note that zero is also a valid answer

A = No. of flagpoles next to the staff entrance.
B = No. of letters in the last word on the 5-line 7-word sign on the wall to the right of the staff entrance.
C = No. of potted palm trees in the fenced off area to the left of the staff entrance.
D = No. of big orange flashing lights under the staff entrance portico.
E = No. of letters in word #2 on the 5-line 7-word sign on the wall to the right of the staff entrance.
F = Distance that smokers must be away from the staff entrance, then subtract 1 from this number.

The coordinates for GZ are:
S37° 49.ABC
E144° 57.DEF

The cache is a 1.25 litre custom-made container, which is designed to STAY IN PLACE - you can access the contents by UNSCREWING THE LID. Please make sure that no sand or grit gets caught in the thread as this will jam the lid for the next person. Also, please don't screw the lid back on too tightly. The difficulty rating is due to the muggle factor, mainly during business hours.

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

Gnxr n frng. Hafperj nagvpybpxjvfr jvguva gur pybpxjvfr fperj.

Decryption Key


(letter above equals below, and vice versa)