Equine Cordaline, Te Atatu North ( Auckland) Traditional Cache
Equine Cordaline, Te Atatu North ( Auckland)
Size:  (regular)
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Cross 4 bridges then up a hill for 10 or so
minutes....this is the start or the finish of the Te Atatu walkway
which follows the coastline around the peninsula. The walkway has a
number of caches located along its length, so spend some time in Te
Atatu and knock off some caches as well.
Camoed 1.6lt plastic contianer original contents: dice
yoyo paperclip compass rubber water pistol wrist strap badge and a
TB Also Log book, pencil and pencil sharpener.
Additional Hints
[Spoiler] Ng onfr bs gerrf ba bgure fvqr bs srapr bccbfvgr frng