Kaapschehoop Tall Tail Traditional Cache
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My story starts a long, long time ago, quite a distance from here,
when I was just a young seed in the fruit of my mothers
My siblings and I felt very safe in the fruit that was our home but
none the less knew that a day would come where we would be cruelly
ripped from our haven by mother nature and used to propogate our
species. After all, thats the story that mother tree always told us
through the rustling of her leaves at night before we drifted off
to sleep.
That fateful day came all to soon and we were all ripped from our
fruit by a savage bird that thought we were food and swallowed us
whole! Much to my delight I was expelled from the monster soon
afterwards, and let me tell you, not the same way I went in!! I got
quite a fright when I realised that this had happened mid flight
and I was now free falling back to earth at one hell of a speed.
Plonk, I landed right at the foot of a large rock and bounced into
a small crack at the base of the rock.
It was dark and cold in the crack but at last I was safe from any
more scary birds. It didn't take too long before I realised that
with a bit of effort I might be able to lift myself out of this
crack and once again be able to see around me. I couldn't wait to
see the sun and nature around me. After a few years I made it to
the top of the crack and basked in the sweet rewards of sun and
rain. The only problem is, when you live the good life it starts
showing around the waist as you know!! With every day that passed
my body grew thicker and wider until the crack I occupied was
becoming a really tight fit.
I wasn't sure what to do, but before too long I noticed that the
crack, although a tight fit, was also starting to expand. Was it me
forcing the rock apart? One day soon afterwards the rock gave a
loud snap and the rock fell apart a little, leaving me lots of
space to grow.
The only problem with that was that now I was exposed to the
dangers of nature again and that proved to be more true than I
could have expected. A fire ravaged the countryside and I was
burn't really badly. My branches, that had not burnt off, slowly
started dying and I eventually was reduced to just a little
But that is where my story turns, because as you can see I have
managed to push out two new strong trunks again and made it right
back up to the top again. Now all I have to do is to start building
on my body again and soon I'll be one of the biggest little
September Bell trees in the area.
Oh! and before I forget, on the day the rock snapped open and left
the large crack for me to grow out of, I noticed that there was
another crack deeper in the original crack, and in that crack there
was a hidden treasure.
Maybe you could come and see if you could find it?
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