ELEKTRA Traditional Cache
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(Marvel Hero Theme) Elektra Natchios, the daughter of a Greek ambassador, studied the martial arts as an adolescent. While in the US with her father, she began studies in political science at New York's Columbia University. There she met another student, Matthew Murdock, who would later become Daredevil. Murdock revealed to her that he had superhuman senses that compensated for his blindness, and they fell in love. A year later, Elektra and her father were held hostage by terrorists in a building on campus. Wearing a scarf as a mask, Murdock with Elektra's help defeated the terrorists. However, a policeman mistook Elektra's father for one of the terrorists and shot him dead. Emotionally shattered, Elektra decided she no longer believed in the law and wanted to withdraw from the world. She left America and Murdock. She eventually studied martial arts with a sensei in Japan. She left to join the secret organization of martial artists headed by Stick, who was also Murdock's sensei. My cache is well hidden, so keep away.
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