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LIH025 Bridal Veil Traditional Cache

Hidden : 8/29/2009
1.5 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   micro (micro)

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Geocache Description:

A film canister in a tree.

Saturday Aug 29, 2009 was just the most beautiful day you'd ever seen, so Mrs. Captain Picard, ACClanman and I decided to go for a walk in the country. Of course, I never go anywhere without a few pre-prepared cache containers, so we packed up some bags of containers and set out on our walk.

After a while, we discovered that not only were we exceptionally over-dressed for the occasion, but we also had accidentally brought along a number of items that probably should have been left at home. Of course it was my fault. (Most of the ladies I know are happy to explain to me that everything bad that happens is actually my fault, and it's usually a good idea to agree with them.)

Rather than complain about the experience, we decided it would make a good geocaching lesson for others. So we named each cache for either an item of clothing we were wearing or one of the items we had brought along. Each of these items is something you should probably leave at home while geocaching. Appropriately enough, the series is named "Leave It Home," LIH for short.

Oh, one more thng. If you decide NOT to follow our advice, and you actually show up at a particular cache either wearing or carrying the item the cache is named for, and if you e-mail me a picture of yourself at the cache site carrying or wearing the item in question, you can take an extra smiley.

For this cache:

Anyone wearing a genuine Belgian-Lace bridal veil may take an extra smiley. One smiley per veil.

Additional Hints (No hints available.)