Martuljek Tour A - Lower Martuljek Waterfall Traditional Cache
Martuljek Tour A - Lower Martuljek Waterfall
Size:  (small)
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SLO: Zaklad je skrit v bližini razgledne tocke na spodnji Martuljški slap.
ENG: The cache is hidden near the point with a great view of the lower Martuljek waterfall.
SLO: Izhodišce je parkirišce pri zaprtem Penzionu Špik, od koder sledite markirani poti proti "Brunarici pri Ingotu". Pred zacetkom vzpona zavijte levo ob pobocju. Prišli boste do mostu cez potok Martuljek, katerega preckajte in sledite poti skozi sotesko.
Spomladi in po mocnem deževju voda pogosto unici mosticke, zato je prehod otežen ali nemogoc. Takrat se lahko do lokacije zaklada spustite z vrha. V tem primeru sledite poti za "Brunarico pri Ingotu" navkreber, dokler se ne uravna. Ko boste na levi strani ob poti v gozdu opazili klopi, ste na drugem koncu poti skozi sotesko.
Pot je mestoma precej strma, potrebna je dobra planinska obutev. Posamezni deli so krušljivi in spolzki, zato je potrebna dodatna previdnost.
Zaklad se nahaja v neposredni bližini mostu, s katerega je odlicen pogled na slap. Da bi prišli do njega poti ni potrebno zapušcati, niti se ni potrebno izpostavljati nevarnosti. Ce signal ni najboljši, si pomagajte za namigom.
Na zadnji strani dnevnika je zapisana števka. Zapišite si jo, ker jo boste lahko še potrebovali. Namig: GC1XMGY - (visit link)
Pred vrnitvijo se lahko med sezono okrepcate v Brunarici pri Ingotu (visit link)
ENG: The starting point is the parking area at the closed Penzion Špik. From there follow a marked path towards "Brunarica pri Ingotu". Before it starts to climb go left by the slope. You will reach a bridge across Martuljek creek. Cross it and follow the path through the gorge.
In spring and after heavy rain the bridges in the gorge often get destroyed and it becomes difficult or even impossible to go through the gorge. You can then descend to the cache location from the top. In this case follow the path towards "Brunarica pri Ingotu" up to the top of the slope. When you notice benches in the wood to the left of the path you reached the other end of the path through the gorge.
The path is pretty steep at some parts and requires good hiking shoes. Sections of it are crumbling and slippery therefore be particularly careful.
The cache is in the vicinity of the bridge with a great view of the waterfall. To reach it you don't have to leave to path or expose yourself to danger. If signal is not ideal use the hint.
On the last page of the log there is digit. Write it down you might need it. Hint: GC1XMGY - (visit link)
Before returning you can visit Brunarica pri Ingotu (visit link) during the season.
Additional Hints
FYB: Mnxynq wr mn xybcwb mnxevg f gerzv znwuavzv xnzav.
RAT: Gur pnpur vf oruvaq gur orapu uvqqra jvgu guerr fznyy ebpxf.