Wizard of EarthSea Mystery Cache
SherpaJeff: open up the area
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Congrats to Jim52 with the FTF!
The posted coordinates are not the final cache location. Take a walk on the Beaver Pond Trail to the posted coordinates which represents the junction of that trail and the Alex Creek Trail. Take a 140 degree bearing and travel 25 meters to the cache location. A simple puzzle cache. Find the cache and browse the book inside, "Wizard of EarthSea" by Ursula Le Guin. I have never actually read this novel but a friend suggested I read it some time ago. I suggest taking the cache and the book to the observation deck at the waypoint provided. It's a beautiful place to idle away a few minutes in the middle of a nice wildlife area. To claim this cache, In your log make reference to something specific in the novel: a word, a name, a place etc etc that hasn't been logged before. Include what page the reference is on in your log as well. Please underline the word on the page you are using. This way others will not duplicate. Hint: it might be helpful to bring a copy of the logs so you don't anger the wizard who will then delete your log! The cache is a regular camo'd cache with limited traders. Please rehide the way you find it. PLease also take care when putting the book back into the container...it barely fits and it must be placed in the Wizard's Magic Bag.
Additional Hints
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