WCHT - A National Road Welcome Traditional Cache
WCHT - A National Road Welcome
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National Road Welcome Center
The Welcome Center has traveler information for the Old National Road as well as for Wayne County, Indiana.
Welcome Center Hours:
MON–FRI: 8:30 to 5:00
SAT: 9:00 to 5:00
(10:00 to 4:00 Nov–Apr)
SUN: 10:00 to 4:00
(Closed Sundays Nov–Apr)
Find the other caches in the 2009 Wayne County Hidden Treasure series HERE.


The National Road or Cumberland Road was America's first interstate highway. Construction began in 1811 at Cumberland, Maryland, on the Potomac River. The approximately 620-mile road provided a connection between the Potomac and Ohio Rivers and a gateway to the West for thousands of settlers.
The Indiana portion was built between 1829 and 1834, linking the eastern seashore with the western interior. Driving Indiana's National Road today is like thumbing through an antique photo album with glimpses of early 19th century inns and theaters, nostalgic gas stations and historic monuments.
Today the National Road is mostly followed by U.S. Highway 40. It is there that you will find the Welcome Center for both the National Road and Wayne County, Indiana, just a stone's throw from the Ohio border.
The Cache
This cache is hidden (with permission) inside the Welcome Center.
The Welcome Center has been closed due to COVID, it is open once again. Current hours for the Welcome Center are: Mon-Fri 8:30-5, closed for lunch. Hours may be subject to change in the future, so best to confirm prior to your visit.
Please follow all health and safety protocol in affect at the time of your visit.
Additional Hints
Tb vafvqr & ybbx nebhaq. Qba'g frr vg? Gura lbhe uvag vf - inyvfr!