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I barndommens rike #4 Bølehøgda skole Traditional Cache

This cache has been archived.

cervisvenator: Hi

While I feel that should hold the location for the cache owner and block other cachers from placing a cache in the area around this cache for a reasonable amount of time, we can’t do so forever.

Nothing seems to happen with this cache listing, so it is now archived, so that someone else can place a cache in the area, and geocachers can once again enjoy visiting this location. Also, if it hasn’t been done already, please pick up any remaining cache bits as soon as possible.

Geocaches which have not been maintained or the owner has not responded will not be taken out of the archive

(This reviewer note is in English so non-Norwegian cache owners, geocachers and cache reviewers can understand what it says.)

Thanks for your understanding,
Cervis Venator Volunteer Cache Reviewer

Hidden : 7/28/2009
1 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   micro (micro)

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Geocache Description:


Bølehøgda skole ligger landlig til 4 km sør-øst for Skien sentrum.
I august 1966 stod skolen ferdig til å ta imot de første elevene, gymnastikkbygget stod ferdig året etter, og våren 2007 feiret skolen sitt 40-årsjubileum.

Pr 2009 er det totalt 166 elever og 42 ansatte fordelt på 1.-7. trinn, SFO og spesialgruppen med psykisk utviklingshemmede elever og/eller elever med store lærevansker. Integrering er et satsningsområde for skolen. Skolen har også fagstøtte på morsmål i somalisk og arabisk.

Etter at elevene er ferdige med 7. trinn, går de videre på Menstad ungdomsskole.

Bølehøgda skole kan skilte med mange friminuttsaktiviteter, og har fine lekeområder med bl.a husker, basketballbane og 3 fotball/håndballbaner. 1. trinn har dessuten et eget område som de disponerer i sin utetid.

Jeg har mange minner fra skoletiden min her, alt fra den skumle lukta som seiv ut fra tannlegekontoret, til lærerens fortvilelse da halve klassen en gang gjemte seg oppå skapene i gangen mellom skolekjøkkenet og sløyden. Jeg var så heldig å begynne her det året skolen stod ferdig i 1966.

Informasjon hentet fra skolens hjemmeside

English version:

Bølehøgda primary school is situated in nice sorroundings 4 km south-east of Skien city
and was opened in August 1966. The gymnisium hall was built the year after, and in 2007 the school celebrated its 40 years anniversary.

In 2009 there are totally 166 pupils and 42 employees, divided in 1st-7th grade, "After school activities" and the class for subnormal pupils. Integration is a priority area for the school. Bølehøgda primary school also offers support in mother tongue in Somalian and Arabic languages.

After graduating from the 7th grade, the pupils are continuing their education at Menstad Secondary School near by.

Bølehøgda primary school has a lot to offer their pupils in their playing time, and has nice playgrounds. Here you will find swings, basket ball field and 3 football/handball fields. 1st grade has in addition its own area at their disposal.

I have a lot of memories from my schoolyears here. Everything from that scary smell coming out from the dentists office, to the teachers despair finding half of the class hidden on the top of some cupboards in a passage between the school kitchen and the carpenter room. I was one of the lucky pupils getting the chance to start my schoolyears here when the school was brand new in 1966.

Information taken from the schools web page

Cachen inneholder: Loggark
Cache content: Log sheet

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