Prince Albert Cache Incentive 2009 Event Cache
Nurse-J: Archiving the event as it has been over a month since we had our great geocaching marathon! Thanks to everyone who participated!!!
Prince Albert Cache Incentive 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
Size:  (not chosen)
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This is Prince Albert's first CAR event. This event involves hiding caches during the time leading up to the PACI event, finding the PACI caches over the designated 24 hour period and then meeting-up to swap PACI stories & award prizes.
The start time of the event is 5:30pm on Friday, September 11, 2009, and will end at 5:30pm on Saturday, September 12, 2009. Caches will be published on Thursday, September 10, 2009.
Please hide your caches between now and September 7, 2009. Please include PACI-09 in the name of your cache. All caches should be hidden within 70km of N53 11.492 W 45.388. This is an approximate center of Prince Albert that we have chosen.
All caches must be traditional caches. All cache sizes are allowed. Please keep these caches permanent after the event.
The gathering afterwards will be held at Little Red River Park N53 13.376 W105 43.023. Hot dogs and buns will be supplied. Please bring side dishes or desserts. As well, please bring your own lawn chair. Everyone is welcome whether you have participated in the event or not.
I have received a few questions about the event as well. Yes, you may log the event if you have hidden caches, but not been able to find them during the allotted time.
We will meet at Tim Horton's on the corner of 2nd Ave West, and 32nd Street West at midnight. As well, for breakfast, we will meet at Ricky's All-Day Grill at Cornerstone Shopping Centre (by McDonalds) at 8am.
Additional Hints
(No hints available.)