Meanwhile there is only ONE COMBINED TOUR (24€ / person) available.
From October to April (incl.), the tour of the Škocjan Caves ends at the Velika dolina exit. Velika dolina exit (EXIT 1).
Ticket reservation is highly recommended at least a day in advance!
(GER: Es gibt inzwischen nur noch ein Pauschalticket, dass alles umfasst. (Es kostet z.Z. 24 € p.P.) Es lohnt auf jeden Fall nach der Haupthöhle den langen Weg durch die zweite Höhle und die Schlucht zu nehmen (Exit 3).
In den Monaten Januar, Februar, März, April, Oktober, November und Dezember endet die Besichtigung der Höhlen von Škocjan mit dem Ausgang Velika dolina (AUSGANG 1).
Thanks for the Info to Team 'KleineTruppe'
Ich empfehle euch, mindestens einen Tag vorher ein Ticket zu reservieren!
The Škocjan Caves remain the only monument in Slovenia and the Classical Karst region on UNESCO’s list of natural and cultural world heritage sites. Thus, they hold a significant position among the world’s natural monuments. |
15479 caves have already been explored in Slovenia, but a unique underground gorge and its many vast chambers make the Skocjan Caves special. They are a system of eleven interconnected caves, collapse dolines, natural bridges and sinkholes. Since 1986 they have been under protection of UNESCO as a part of its World Heritage Site. The caves lies on the Kras from where the technical term "Karst", used all over the world, originates. Once in the cave, one can admire marvellous stalagmites and stalactites of different colours, stone curtains and massive pools. The system is essentially marked by the Reka-'Velka voda river', which flows through the caves, where it falls into a series of cascades and waterfalls, thumble down the rocks or comes to rest in small underground lakes.On their banks visitors can enjoy in the reflections of the karst subterranean images on the water surface. A visit with experienced guides will take about an hour and a half.
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- What is the name of the biggest stalagmite in the cave?
- How high is it?
- In the cave you find an info-plate with the word REKA and a date on it. What is this date?
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