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Not Forgotten ~ N.F. 4 ~ Thompsonville Traditional Cache

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Hidden : 5/3/2009
2.5 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   micro (micro)

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Geocache Description:

I took a memory trip through the old Thompsonville section of Enfield. I stopped by my elementary school, North Street School. This was a school that still had wood and wrought iron desks with an attached bench seats and inkwells! And yes the boy who sat behind me used to dip my long red braids in the ink! The once crowded neighborhood bakery was boarded shut. The tour took me to the local cemetery where I read names on stones that brought back childhood memories of my Thompsonville days! Cemeteries tell a story of their own…. A place to remember…..

Enjoy the history….

“Lives are commemorated ~
deaths are recorded ~
families are reunited ~
memories are made tangible -~
and love is undisguised.
This is a cemetery.”

Additional Hints (Decrypt)

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