Elephant Angkor Traditional Cache
erik88l-r: Cache has been archived due to the lack of a timely response from the cache owner to the previous request. If the owner would like it unarchived please contact me within 30 days. Please keep in mind that the cache will be subject to the same guidelines applied to a new cache proposal.
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An easy find within the Angkor Wat temple complex
This is the first Geocache I have ever hidden. I was in two minds about hiding one on the Angkor Wat park. It is a historical monument, and I want to avoid damage to it. So the spot for this cache was chosen with this in mind. The spot is well away from major sites, and is in a place where it will do no harm, and provided they follow the obvious clues here, geocachers should do no harm.
The location is on an old ruined wall behind the elephant temple / wall of the elephants. You can go up the stairs, them walk along beside the old wall behind the main elephant wall. Where the old wall is at its highest, the film canister cache is located close to the peak of the wall, as shown in the photo. Feel around in the leaves for it. You will not need to move any stones or bricks. Yes, read that again. You do NOT need to move anything other than leaves. NO bricks!
NOTE! One geocacher who found this advised that they encountered scorpions in the leaves where the cache is hidden. While I have never seen scorpions in Cambodia, keep this in mind while feeling around for the cache.
Update November 2009.
I won't be out here till March or April 2010. Please see Princess Leia's post of October 30 2009 for updates on the cache location. Thanks heaps PL!
Additional Hints
Ercrng nsgre zr. V jvyy abg zbir oevpxf! V jvyy abg zbir oevpxf! V jvyy abg zbir gur pnpur. V jvyy abg zbir gur pnpur.