Vertighost: This cache appears to require owner intervention. I'm temporarily disabling it to allow the owner to check on the cache and take whatever action is necessary. Please respond to this situation promptly (i.e., within 30 days) to prevent the cache from being archived for non-responsiveness. Please note that caches archived by a reviewer or HQ due to maintenance issues and/or non-responsiveness by the cache owner are not eligible to be unarchived.
As a cache owner, you are responsible for occasional visits to your cache to ensure it is in proper working order, especially when someone reports a problem with the cache (missing, damaged, wet, etc.), or posts a Needs Maintenance log. The following link is provided for your convenience: Cache Maintenance Guideline
I've added this cache to my watchlist, and I will check back in approximately 30 days to ensure that the maintenance has been done. Whatever your intentions, please post a note here on the cache page to indicate that you are still active and maintaining the cache. If a month passes without a response, I'll assume that this listing should be archived. In the meantime, I have temporarily disabled this listing. When the maintenance is completed, the owner can enable the listing by selecting "Enable" from the drop-down list under "Log geocache."
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