If you like rock, you'll like this cache! In this particular location the rock is Silurian Bannisdale Slates and has beds over a metre thick, which is what attracted the quarry men. The beds are also tilted, dipping to the NE, and form sloping ledges on the side of the small outcrop. The two rock faces frame a dark pool, and on the N side, and higher, is an additional square pool, like a jacuzzi! It's quite deep - fancy a dip? The quarry is a great place to see the rock and how nature is reclaiming both it and the small spoil heaps. A second cache is not far away, see: Crag.
To find the cache you will need to go near an edge - take care.
The access point for the land is via the footpath running from Green Lane to Lindeth, walls prevent entry elsewhere. There is parking at either end of Green Lane, which is the stony track running W-E south of the cache. Various paths can be linked up to make a longer walk, or just have fun with a there-and-back trip.
South of Winster is an excellent series of caches by the Badger team - well worth a wander.