Why Did You Stop Here? Traditional Cache
Size:  (micro)
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Cache is hidden at a long pull out on MT Hwy 200. Area is quite exposed to mobile muggles so you may have to invent a reason for being there.
Why did you stop here? Suggested answers 1. Trying for a first to find. Congrats RockhoundMT! 2. Wanted to add another find to my list. 3. To catch a view of the Mission Mountains. 4. Because I didn't stop at the last "nice" pull out. 5. I am a geologist interested in the rock layers in the cut bank across the highway. 6. Taking in the view of the Flathead RIver. 7. The dog needed to get out. 8. The kids needed to get out. 9. GPS said I should. 10. Wanted pictures of the swans on the river. 11. Old cabin across the river needed picture taken. 12. There were kyacks on the river. 13. Wanted to see what plantings the yellow nets were for. If you have another reason for stopping, include it in you log and I wll add it to the list.
Additional Hints
Qba'g pebff gur srapr ohg qba'g vtaber gur cbfgf rvgure.