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The NEW Enchanted Pomegranate Forest Traditional Cache

This cache has been archived.

Marko Ramius: The cache owner is not responding to issues with this geocache, so I must regretfully archive it.

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Marko Ramius
Volunteer Cache Reviewer

Hidden : 2/1/2009
1.5 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

Size: Size:   micro (micro)

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Geocache Description:

The NEW and improved version of the Pomagranate Forest. If you found the old one you are eligible to search for this one.

Oh Grampa, please tell me the story of The Enchanted Pomegranate Forest, please?

Sure, my beloved grandson. But first, bring Grampa a Stein and a bottle of that stuff on the counter there. Bring me my old Pipe while you are at it. Good boy!

Now once upon a time an evil king controlled all the wealth of his tiny country. He ruled with an iron fist and dealt justice harshly to anyone who did so much as hunt a rabbit on his property or pluck a carrot from his garden to feed himself. He was both hated and feared all over the land.

One day, a stranger came into the land and heard tales of the cruel king. This stranger vowed to rid the country of this mean king, so he plotted to steal the king's treasure and to lead the king from his throne in pursuit of the treasure. The king's most beloved treasure was his collection of wines and other intoxicants, but he loved one form the most. Upon learning that, our hero stole the last remaining bottle of this prized possession and hid it in the magically enchanted forest of Pomegranate trees, which grow low like a bush with Pomegranates on the branches. Once he hid the cache with the king's favorite cigar, he sent the king the location of it and challenged him to come and get it.

Our hero was wiser than the king, however, because the coordinates he gave the king were off by only about 50 feet. Thus, when the king arrived to reclaim his treasure, he was smashed into a million pieces by an 18 wheel truck headed to Vegas with a load of fruit.

So you see, my grandson, you should stay off the freeway if you want to find the treasure. I would not Steer you wrong. Don't forget to sign the logbook

Don't look where the old one was. I couldn't find it there either.

Additional Hints (No hints available.)